Our Team and Leadership

Our scientists, engineers, and instructors live to solve complex challenges for our customers through the application of their expertise to drive mission success.

Industry leading
talent and reliability
IB3 Global builds our Team using the same guiding philosophy that formed the company itself. Namely a highly engaged and invested group will always seek to contribute to the overall success of the organization if they see themselves reflected in the culture, ideals, mission, and drive of the company. IB3 has always been judicious in our hiring process in order to protect the culture we have established. This is evident by the very nature of the work we pursue for growth because opportunistic pursuits dilute our ability to ensure that every IB3 hire is representative of the standards of the group. Our People are the foundation upon which IB3 is built and we are pleased to treat them as such.
Interested in joining our industry leading team?
View our our positions by following the link below.
IB3 is honored to support an amazing group of clients, each working complex missions across vital areas of national security. Join us!
Mission Dedicated Leaders
The leadership team at IB3 Global Solutions exists in order to keep the lights on, payroll running, contracts supported, generate new sales to create opportunities for current and future employees, drive initiatives into the IB3 Lab to develop solutions for customers, and keep general hiccups from slowing down our employees. You’ll learn more from what we are not and do not represent. We aren’t starved for validation. We are not the most important people in the company, for that, see the “Our People” page. We participated in philanthropy that makes the world a better place, not our resumes. We don’t manage, we lead. That distinction makes all the difference.